Metsovo, Greece
Metsovo is a picturesque alpine village in the Pindos mountains of northwestern Greece.
This is the corner of my mother-in-law's home there.
And my mother-in-law, just shy of her 92nd birthday.
Here's Mom again, on her birthday (Nov 2) with Panos and his sister Maria. Sadly, their brother Spiros passed away (pancreatic cancer) in summer of 2023 and this was the family's first time all together since then.
I haven't been in Metsovo in the autumn in decades so I really enjoyed the gentle changes in the foliage.
My mother-in-law had some peppers growing in the garden and others in these olive oil cans - the ones in the cans won, productivity-wise.
One of the giant - and ancient - plane trees in the churchyard in Metsovo has lost a limb :(
Fun new statue in the town square
The weather was unseasonably warm and we spend some afternoons in nearby Ioannina.
The TFOS conference only takes place once every 4 years and was canceled during the pandemic, so I had been looking forward to it for a long time. It was my first time visiting Venice. Our time at the conference was jam packed so I didn't really get out sight-seeing, just took some walks early in the mornings.
From the Vaporetto ride (from airport to hotel)
The hotel where the conference took place (Hilton Molino Stucky)
Can never resist photographing succulents.
Foggy morning walk
You were so fortunate to work in the trip to visit your mother-in-law in the midst of all the business travel. Thanks for taking time to share the photos.
Great photos! Your mother-in-law is beautiful!