Updated 3/25/2025
Our customer service hours are 7:00am to 4:00pm Pacific time Monday through Friday
If you reach voicemail, please leave a message - we will call you back promptly.
service@dryeyeshop.com or the form on this page. We respond during our customer service hours, which are 7am-4pm Monday through Friday.
Select local pickup when ordering online over the phone and pick up your order during our business hours. Our office can be difficult to find. See directions below.
Please call to schedule an in-person consultation so we can ensure someone with product knowledge is available to assist you. Please note: our facility is on the second story of a stairs-only access building. Our office can be difficult to find. See directions below.
26273 Twelve Trees Ln NW
Suite M
Poulsbo, WA 98370
Twelve Trees Business Park is off Highway 3 at Pioneer Way, about halfway between Poulsbo and the Hood Canal Bridge. From Highway 3, turn west on to Pioneer Way, then the second left is Twelve Trees Lane. Follow the road straight back, take the second right and go all the way down. After the storage facility, take an immediate left to drive to the back of building 26273. There is plenty of parking available all around the building.