About EyeGiene Starter System
- "Instant' type heat source
- No microwave, no hot water needed
- Disposable "warming wafers"
- Includes: Mask, 10 pairs "warming wafers", instructions
Description (Rebecca's)
Eyegiene is a decent warm compress for those who want a safe and low-hassle alternative. It's simple, but effective.
What the mask is like
The mask is simple and straightforward - two squarish "pockets" with a fully adjustable elastic strap. My only criticism of the mask itself is that I think some users will find themselves needing to jury-rig the width. I have a large round face and yet I found myself cinching the "nose-bridge" part to pull the two pieces closer together. For those with narrower faces, I would expect some may want to actually put in a few stitches to tighten it up.
What the "warming wafers" are like
Looks & feels more or less like a slightly stiff square tea bag. They come in foil wrappers. When you open the foil wrapper, it activates, and you pop them into the sleeves of the mask.
As regards the heat packs, personally I am a strong fan of all instant type heat packs for the simple reason that the temperature is controlled. I believe far too many people unwittingly overheat their compresses. Overheating can irritate and even burn the lids. More is not better.
Anyway, there's basically two types of instant heat packs: the gel packs with the little "snappable" metal disc in them, and the powder-pouch types like these.
The snappable gel packs have distinct benefits but they have to be boiled after EVERY use, which is a nuisance.
- Ongoing cost ($30/month for daily use)
- Dry heat only (if you care... I don't, in fact I've been a rice bag fan for 15 years)
- Disposable, i.e. more waste.
Alternative "controlled heat" methods
- "Instant" Thermoeyes (search this site on Thermoeyes - they are sold in two sizes, on their own or in kits with the Tranquileyes goggle). You will have to boil them after every use. Some people purchase enough pairs for an entire week and boil them at the end of the week, which works great - just costly, and you still have to remember to do it.
- USB heat masks, which you can find on Amazon. I haven't settled on one that I like well enough for the shop, but ask around in the Facebook groups and I'm sure you'll find something worth trying.
Does anybody remember the little heat packs Dr Tseng's office sold once upon a time? It's got to be more than ten years ago, which is probably why I can't even remember the name now. Back then, there weren't a gajillion options like there are now, and I really liked them.
Description (Manufacturer's)
Insta-Warmth Mask System Treatment for Dry Eyes
Includes EyeGiene Starter System - EyeGiene Eye Mask and 10 pairs of Warming Wafers