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Careful! There's lots of confusion about this one! Make sure you know what type of plunger to get when you order, and if you are unsure of what you ordered before, give us a call. Please note that if you use the Dalsey Adaptives lighted inserter, this is NOT the plunger you need. Please click here for the one you need.
The DMV Vented Scleral Cup (pictured here) has a completely hollow shaft, while the standard DMV Scleral Cup is closed at one end, allowing you to control and release suction.
Nearly all PROSE users, and a majority of users of large (>16mm) scleral lenses, use the standard DMV Scleral Cup, NOT the vented version.
The Vented Scleral Cup is big - the DMV Classic (hollow shaft with control over suction, commonly used for CRT lenses) is small like the DMV Ultra but differently structured.
The manufacturer (DMV Corp.) does not recommend any of their tools for removal of hybrid lenses. Please ask your doctor for their advice on removal technique.
The DMV® Vented Scleral Cup™ is an aid for INSERTION of hybrid contact lenses. Hybrid lenses are made of a gas permeable center optical area surrounded by a soft comfort skirt.
The DMV® Vented Scleral Cup™ helps the wearer guide the hybrid lens straight onto the eye in a stable manner thus avoiding dropping the lens from their finger. This tool is NOT USED FOR REMOVAL of hybrid lenses.
DMV Vented Scleral Cups are used mostly for inserting hybrid contact lens types, although some scleral users use them for insertion. They are not suitable for removal of lenses.
Follow lens preparation instructions provided by your eye care practitioner and lens manufacturer. Place the lens in the DMV Vented Scleral Cup front side down. Fill the lens with contact lens solution approved by your eye care practitioner. Tuck your chin to your chest and lean forward. While looking straight down in to a mirror placed flat on the horizontal surface in front of you, retract the upper and lower lines and lift the lens gently onto the cornea. A few drops of solution should drip from the eye during insertion. If bubbles appear under then lens after insertion, remove the lens and re-insert.
Do not use this product with diseased, injured or otherwise compromised eyes.
Keep this product and its case away from small children.
This product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions. Antigenic proteins in the dry natural rubber are found by independent laboratory testing to be below detection. Research data on file at DMV corporation.
Wash the Vented Scleral Cup frequently in warm soapy water and allow to air dry. Do not use this product with soft contact lenses.