Congratulations, David, on 5-years of service at the Dry Eye Company!
David is an absolute joy to have at the office. He's our product packaging specialist, which means he bags and labels almost every product that we stock (including every plunger!). He currently helps pre-tape boxes for fulfillment and has done cleaning and shredding in the past. He's an incredibly hard worker, an important and engaged member of the team, an expert at his job, and an awesome rep for the Shop to family and friends.
Five straight years at the Shop is a huge milestone, and it puts him second only to Rebecca. He's been with us through the move, office and desk changes, through the COVID stay at home order, and has taken on new responsibilities over the years.
We had the chance to officially present him with an award on May 26th at our summer staff potluck in front of staff and his family! It was nice to surprise him with an award, and I don't think I could've kept it in the box on my desk much longer. Thank you to everyone who reached out with words of thanks and congratulations on his anniversary.
If you are a customer or a former coworker, please feel free to comment here or email david@dryeyecompany.com to congratulate him!
Read more about our summer potluck in a separate blog post.