How do YOU apply eye ointment?

Here's a recent question we received about applying ointment:

"I have used this product as prescribed by my doctor, and share the same issues regarding application as another questioner: How does one consistently apply the correct amount of this product without pressing against my finger or eyelid?  It can be very challenging, especially as the bottle starts to run low and you also have to maintain a firm squeeze.  I don't imagine it gets much easier with this product, but I'm curious to know if anybody knows of other similar products that are easier to apply."

I am not an ointment user, so I reached out to our Facebook group for some feedback. Here are some responses:

    • (From Drea) I wash my hands first. Then I pull down the skin in front of my left eye. I fill the channel with ointment from outter eye to inner eye. Then I pull down my skin under the right eye and fill from inner eye to outer eye. I quickly cap the lid. Then I close both eyes. I hold both my eye brows down. I then look straight up, with eyes still shut, and then roll them back an forth to disperse the ointment in the upper part of my eye and into the outer corners. I then feel my way to bed. I sleep mostly on my back, which helps keep the ointment in at night. If I stand upright too long it does ooze out. I use a wash cloth folded in three over my eyes to keep the escaping ointment contained on it rather than the pillow and my hair. I have learned over the years to hold it when I turn over to the right. I never sleep on my left or stomach due to my pancreatic disease. I put the ointment in at bedtime and then when I wake up half way through the night. I wash the cloth in hot soapy water by hand and then throw it in the washing machine with my pillow slip 3 times a week. I do bleach them. Been doing this since 1993.
    • (From Audrey) Ointment and drops are different. Drops...I pull down lower lid and drop in one eye then the other and gently blink. When using ointment directly before sleep, I pull the bottom lid down and apply tip of ointment to bottom lid at temple area and pull ointment along the bottom lid. I try and keep eyes open while applying ointment to other eye. Once I complete the ointment application, I do not open my eyes again until morning. The ointment creates a suction on the upper eye lid to keep moisture in the eyes. per cornea specialist...went from worst dry eye to remission.
    • (From Barbara) I pull down the bottom lid and put the ointment inside the bottom lid, close my eye and roll it to spread the ointment over my eye. Sometimes I use a little tool that I got from dry eye shop and follow the instructions included with the tool.
    • Teah also mentioned using the SimplyTouch. 

Please post additional tips in the comments below!

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  • Great Information. Really very impressive & effective blog that you have shared with us. Thanks for providing such an informative post. Keep up the good job

    Pearl Vegas on
  • I use SimplyTouch. Makes applying onitment very simple.

    Patty on

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