Take the scleral lens survey!

Click here to take the survey now

  • This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
  • Eligible participants will receive a $10 gift card* for the Dry Eye Shop...
  • ...And you'll also be entered in a drawing to receive one of five $100 gift cards*! 


  • $10 is $10!
  • You'll get to learn more about the experiences of your scleral lens peers when we share our part of the results afterwards!
  • Rebecca is asking you to - as a personal favor. This project is very important to her.

What's it about?

In this survey, you'll be asked about:

  • Your use of technology, e.g. whether you are fast or slow to adopt new technology
  • Your use of scleral lenses, e.g. how long you have worn them and why,  what you like or don't like about them, how you care for them, etc.
  • Your level of interest in electronics-enhanced "smart" scleral lenses
  • Basic demographic information (age, gender, geographical location, etc)


Per the survey sponsor, no personally identifiable information will ever be shared, reported publicly or stored.

Please note that the gift cards are funded by the survey sponsor, but distributed  by the Dry Eye Shop. They are providing us with your email address so that we can send you your gift card electronically. We will not see any survey data associated with your email address. If you happen to be an existing Dry Eye Shop customer, your email will be matched up with your account automatically, so you may see your name on the email notification. Just want to be very clear about everyone's personal data handling :) 

The back story

This is basically market research, with a twist... that will yield helpful information for our community.

We have been offered a unique opportunity to partner in some scleral lens consumer research. In our dry eye world, this is something we don't normally engage with. I mean, we design and conduct surveys informally on our own for our community's consumption, and we assist medical researchers in conducting and designing formal surveys for academic research purposes, like this one and this one. We just don't normally team up for any kind of market research in conjunction with industry.

However, in the scleral lens world, the needs are different from the dry eye world - including the particular types of information deficits and education needs. And opportunities both to learn and to draw attention to our community's needs are much more limited. Furthermore, we feel the organization we're partnering with on this project will play a key future role in setting and maintaining the gold standard for scleral lens care, and that's something we want to be 100% supportive of.

All that to say, we are eager to be part of any research that uncovers and illuminates important things about our community, so that we can use it to advocate for our needs! In the case of this survey, we had the added inducement of being able to help craft some questions that we want the answers to ourselves. 

Finally, we have chosen to be ambitious about participation and are aiming for over 1,000 participants, which will help raise confidence levels that the results are really, really, really solid.

We are all so excited for this project and can't wait for the results!

If you are a scleral lens user, please take the survey today!

Click here to take the survey now

  • let’s move on and get through this survey

  • Survey takes 15-20 mins. Questions are interesting! Their ideas for future sclerals sound like scifi to me. :)

    Nicole R on
  • The survey but took a longer than expected

    Aída Shelton on
  • I would love to participate.

    Carla P Hart on
  • Will definitely help !,

    Julia Paladino on

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