On Saturday, we boarded an all-day whale watching trip from Port Townsend with Puget Sound Express. We spotted a porpoise, a juvenile bald eagle, and a family of four transient orcas near Protection Island almost right off the bat. You can see the notches on Jack's fin match the photo Heather took above.

We spotted a minke whale on the way to Friday Harbor, where we stopped for lunch and had time for a bit of window shopping.

On the way back we saw sea lions, puffins, and some resident orcas in the distance.

Our boat fit about forty people with room to move around on the inside and deck of the boat. We had plenty of time to chat, play games, and sightsee along the way. The views of the Olympics and Mt. Baker from the Strait of Juan de Fuca on a clear summer's day were unbeatable.