Heather Miller
Ocean Shores
Heather snapped these shots in between rain and hail showers. Gotta love Washington beach weather!
Rebecca Petris
Lake Crescent
Rebecca and her husband passed by Lake Crescent on their way home from Forks, WA on Easter Sunday. It is always beautiful there, no matter the time of year or the weather, but that day, it was jaw-dropping.
Aidan Moore
Alright, this one isn't so beautiful. The tree pollen has been out of control the past few weeks. It coats our cars and I can sometimes seeing it blow off the roof when it's windy! You can see it coating the parking lot in this photo, yuck!
Aidan Moore
Lake Crescent, Cape Flattery, Ozette Triangle, and Sol Duc
My college roommate visited this weekend and I had a great time taking them around the Olympic Peninsula. We had to refill a tire and got caught in a sudden hail storm in Port Angeles. Our first stop was at the lodge at Lake Crescent. We ate lunch at Cape Flattery. The pictures really don't do it justice. The main event was the 9.5 mile Ozette Triangle. The coast was sunny and the clouds were sparse. The hike starts with three miles on boardwalks through the forest, with another three (long) miles across the rocky beach, and ends with another three miles through the...
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