Editor's note: We host content for BostonSight from time to time in our newsletter. Their contribution this month was a bit too lengthy for the newsletter, so I'm posting it on the blog in full.
Back to the Basics of PROSE
With so much information floating around about scleral lenses, it’s timely to offer some clarity to help you understand more about BostonSight PROSE treatment.
What is a Scleral Lens?
BostonSight’s patient treatment process uses scleral lens technology. A scleral lens is an oversized “contact” lens that rests on the sclera (the white of the eye) and vaults (does not touch) the cornea. Scleral lenses are designed to treat a variety of eye conditions that impact the function of the cornea.
What is PROSE treatment?
BostonSight PROSE® (Prosthetic Replacement of the Ocular Surface Ecosystem) is a medical treatment model developed by BostonSight which restores visual function to patients with complex corneal disease. The treatment process makes use of our FDA-approved, custom-designed and fabricated large diameter prosthetic device technology (i.e. a highly-customized scleral lens).
Our patient population are people who suffer with severe corneal disease due to a variety of conditions.
Another way to think about the this? Much in the same way that a prosthetic arm or leg can restore function, PROSE prosthetic devices replace or support impaired function of the ocular surface.
What are PROSE devices?
The prosthetic devices are transparent domes, about the size of a nickel, made of gas-permeable plastic that allows oxygen to reach the ocular surface and creates a smooth optical surface that protects the eye from the environment and blink trauma. They are filled with saline, each day at the time of application, and are removed at bedtime.
What is the Treatment Process?
BostonSight’s PROSE treatment process is iterative (meaning a repeated cycle of fitting to get to the desired outcome). During treatment doctors customize prosthetic devices out of gas-permeable polymers for each patient’s condition and unique eye shape. The devices are manufactured on site at our state-of-the-art Manufacturing Lab. Treatment can last anywhere between 4 – 10 days until the PROSE clinician and patient are satisfied with the fit. The treatment process restores visual function, supports healing, reduces symptoms and transforms quality of life.
How is PROSE different?
What makes PROSE different from other scleral lenses? Customization. Advanced control over the device design in all eight meridians allows for a complete customization for each patient’s eye and makes it possible to fit the devices on any ocular surface without causing damage, impingement or compression of the ocular surface.
BostonSight’s devices are larger (18 mm and above) or, as mentioned before, about the size of a nickel; years of treatment research has shown that larger lenses are more therapeutic for the health of the eye.
If you are interested in PROSE treatment process, here’s a link for information.
This newsletter is a most invaluable source of information.
Not a huge Facebook fan these days. Thank you for your hard. Having a new issue now and doctors have conflicting answers. I had RK with T cuts (why I’m in sclerals) now appearjng to have cataracts developing. OS is very cloudy- not my contact, so decision time. Regular OD say’s concerned about slices and T cuts holding up. Scleral lens specialist says it will help me tremendously. Chime in ehever you feel like it since you see more of it than I do.