What do you fill your PROSE or scleral lenses with?

Doctors fitting PROSE or scleral lenses make patient-specific recommendations for what solutions they should use to fill the lenses, and these recommendations are sometimes adjusted based on practical issues such as comfort, fogging, etc. 

Sometimes doctors don't provide specific recommendations and patients make their choices (safe and preservative free choices, we hope!) based on what they can glean from others' experiences in social media, including our Facebook scleral lens group or our DryEyeZone scleral lens forum. (We hope everyone circles back to their doctor and lets them know what they're using.)

Here are some of the many scenarios I've come across in recent years:

  • Preservative free saline (unbuffered) - Lacripure, Addipak, Modudose
  • Preservative free saline (buffered) - Purilens Plus, ScleralFil (and of course the discontinued Unisol 4)
  • PF saline plus some Refresh Celluvisc
  • PF saline plus another PF artificial tear
  • PF artificial tears only
  • Autologous serum drops

What do YOU fill your lenses with? I would love to hear. Share in the comments below, or go vote and comment on DryEyeTalk.

Thanks for sharing!

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  • a little bit of 3 things : celluvisc, 2 autologous drops, fill to the brim with lacripure. Gentle combination that creates a gentle reservoir that has healed my cornea.

    Ana Escobar on
  • I fill my GVR scleral lenses with Modudose 0.9% inhilation saline solution. Occasionally I use Refresh Optive drops late at night. My lenses fit great. I’m able to wear my lenses 16-18 hours a day without any blurriness.

    Sue on
  • I use Lacripure preservative free saline solution with 3 drops of Refresh Celluvisc, which is also preservative free in each lens. I have found that 6 drops (3 drops in ea lens) empties the Celluvisc vial and has been just as good as using an entire vial in ea lens.
    Kathi York

    Kathi York on
  • I fill my Scleral Lenes with Sodium Chloride and Refresh Celluvisc (2 drops in each lens ). The Celluvisc is thick and works like a cushion to my eyes. I do not experience any blurriness at all So far it working for me.

    Veronica on
  • PROSE lens – Sodium Chloride INH. Sol. 0.9%

    Sandy Slauch on

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