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Hi All! This product works fantastic. No complaints.
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IMPORTANT: This product's instructions involve an off-label use of the Clear Care disinfection system. Do not use unless recommended by your lens provider. Scleral lenses are specialty devices for small markets and unfortunately sometimes we patients are limited to unregistered or "off-label" device and solution usage out of necessity - in this case, the size of our lenses and the fact that no lens solution manufacturer provides a suitable case for us. Again, whenever considering a device or solution on this basis, please make sure you're following your doctor's guidance.
The PROSE Case is popularly used for hydrogen peroxide disinfection of PROSE and scleral lenses due to the large baskets provided for each lens.
This is only a case and does not contain a platinum disc to neutralize hydrogen peroxide! In order to use the PROSE case, you will need to purchase a ClearCare (or similar) kit regularly to get a catalyst disc to use with your PROSE case. This catalyst disc needs regular replacement (common rule of thumb is 2 months). In the photo above, you can see a ClearCare case with the catalyst attached near the bottom. You'll need to remove this and put it in the bottom of the PROSE case.
This is a specialty device for a relatively rare need. If you intend to use it, please:
You are always welcome to call us and we'll share what we know, but your provider should be the last word on how you care for your lenses.
Note: PROSE cases are contract-manufactured for BostonSight, from whom we purchase them for distribution. Since they are not manufactured under a national brand, they do not come packaged with detailed instructions. Our recommendation for those whose provider has directed them to use the PROSE case is that you (1) Read all the instructions for Clear Care, and (2) follow disinfection instructions in BostonSight's Device and Care Guide, duplicated below with permission, and also linked so that you can see the most current version (see pages 15-18).
To start, you will need to have a clean work surface and the following supplies:
We recommend replacing the platinum disc every 2 months.
We recommend replacing your PROSE case every 3 months.
You will need a soft towel to be placed on top of a clean work surface where you
will clean your device(s).
You will need the following supplies:
To properly allow the Clear Care or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to neutralize, devices must remain in the case for AT LEAST 6 hours.
NOTE: If you must remove the devices before the disinfection process has ended, rinse them thoroughly with preservative-free saline. Then soak devices in fresh preservative-free saline, in a clean contact lens case, for at least 5 minutes. Repeat with fresh preservative-free saline solution for an additional 5-minute soak. Rinse again with preservative-free saline before applying to your eye. If using a screw top contact lens case, clean the case with an alcohol wipe and air dry.
NOTE: Brown bottle 3% hydrogen peroxide is NOT FDA approved for PROSE device disinfection. It is not micro-filtered for impurities and does not contain stabilizing buffers or salts like Clear Care. Some patients report redness and/or discomfort with its use. If at any time while using 3% hydrogen peroxide you experience increased redness, burning, or pain, discontinue usage and use ONLY Clear Care.