Customer FAQ

Order placement

Order by whatever method is most convenient for you!

  • Order online
  • Order by phone: We love to talk with our customers, and this gives you the chance to ask all your questions!
  • Order by email or text: Send order details, and we will send you a secure link for payment (or instructions for paying by check).
  • Recurring orders (automatic shipments)

Payment methods

We welcome all of the following:

  • Credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diner's Club, JCB
  • Shopify Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
  • PayPal
  • Pay by check or money order 


Shipping methods for domestic USA: Fedex, USPS

Shipping methods for international orders: Click here for current options

When will my order ship?

  • Today, if your order is placed by 1:30pm Pacific (4:30pm Eastern) on a weekday
  • Exception: Purilens Plus saline - this item often ships direct from the manufacturer, and their cutoff is about 7am Pacific (10am Eastern) except for emergencies.
  • Exception: Backordered items. (Items on backorder will have a red text indicator near the "add to cart" button saying when they are expected to ship. We usually also follow up with an email.)

How long will it take in transit?

We ship from:

  • Poulsbo, Washington: Almost everything
  • Freehold, New Jersey: Purilens Plus saline (select orders)

Delivery troubles

First, please don't worry. Shipping problems happen and they're stressful, but we'll do our best to make everything right promptly if something goes wrong.

My order hasn't arrived yet. What do I do?

(You can, of course, call or email while you're upset, and lambast us for things that we have absolutely no control over. We'll try our best to patiently while your temper burns itself out, then we'll get down to brass tacks. Or you can be nice, and we'll get there that much faster.)

1. Check the tracking. 

2. Check the shipping address. (Typos happen.)

3. Does tracking say "delivered", but you didn't receive it?

In case of a USPS misdelivery, for quickest results, you may want to check with neighbors, the mailbox, the manager's office if you're in an apartment, or better yet, call the post office right away while their memories are fresh.

UPS uses GPS tracking for delivery, so true misdeliveries are rare, but packages are sometimes stolen. Please call us right away and we'll help.

4. Desperate? 

Call us! We will replace your package if necessary. We do not want you to run out of something you need! We're a small company, and if it's not an emergency, we do ask that you allow a little time for reasonable measures to be taken for recovery of missing packages before we send a replacement.

5. Order arrived, but something's wrong?

Please call, text or email right away so we can get it sorted for you!


Is my product eligible for return?

Eligible for return within 30 days of purchase:

  • Night goggles and shields (e.g. Tranquileyes, Onyix, Quartz, Eyeseals), new or used
  • Any other product so long as it is unopened and in SEALED packaging
  • Orders involving a shipping error on our part, or items that arrived damaged (please let us know immediately so we can replace them!)

Not eligible for returns:

  • Liquids, once opened, such as drops, gels, ointments, salines, cleaning solutions, lid scrubs, etc.
  • Any other products such as tapes that have been opened

Who pays return shipping?

  • On ordinary customer returns, you do. We will provide a shipping label and deduct the cost from your product refund.
  • On orders involving an error on our part or damaged items, we do.
  • International customers: Sorry, we cannot provide return labels.

What's the procedure?

  • Please call or email with your order details and we will provide a return label. 
  • Please pack your item(s) securely.
  • Please make sure to include all parts and packaging. We may not be able to refund incomplete returns in full.

What about a defective product? 

Many items are covered by a manufacturer's warranty. Anything that isn't, we will look after ourselves. Let us know if there is a problem with a product purchased from us and we'll let you know how we can help or we'll put you in touch with the manufacturer if appropriate.

International need-to-knows

1. Country restrictions

Some products cannot be shipped internationally. Click here for details.

2. Customs duties and other charges

Duties are payable on most products you order from the US. We cannot estimate or prepay these for you. If you order on this site, you are agreeing to pay them. Find out more from your local post office before you purchase, please, or let us know if you need help.