A week ago Monday, we shut down a little early to head to Dancing Brush for a little relaxing with some paintbrushes. Monday is our busiest day here, but it was the only day we could make it work, and we wanted to pick a day that would allow enough time for getting our items fired and ready before Aidan heads back to California (he leaves tomorrow).
This time around, it was Aidan, Ally, Brent, Chaidie, Susan, Ally's very young nephew, and myself....
This has become our favored offsite quasi-party activity. If you've been with us for awhile you may remember Lindy blogging about Pesto and Pottery over Christmas 2017. Back then it was Brent, me, Ally, Lindy, Susan, and Lindy's daughter Valerie....
Then last summer, we had another little get-together just before Aidan left for Turkey. This time around it was David, Aidan, Chaidie, Susan and her daughter, Brent, and myself....
We probably won't win any prizes but we sure have fun. Most of all, it's away from the office and the piles of work :)