Holiday shipping delays?

It's that time of year.

Some packages are being delayed on their way to you.... 

Some shipments from manufacturers are being delayed on their way to us.... meaning we can't always ship your order when we thought we could.

It all adds up to frustration for everyone. I just want to share what that looks like from our perspective and how we handle shipping problems.

What we do

  • Try to keep super close tabs on all expedited shipments
  • Call or email as soon as we know about any possible issues (either delays in shipping it out in the first place, or delays in it being delivered
  • Figure out a creative plan B when something goes wrong
  • Feel truly awful when something happens that we can't fix... and sit around brainstorming over whether there would be any way to anticipate or prevent it another time.

What we don't do

  • Fly the planes
  • Drive the trucks
  • Personally hand your package to you (much as we wish we could!)
  • Personally guarantee that the truck won't get delayed by snow or the plane by a mechanical breakdown
  • Repeatedly recite, in monotone, "I do apologize for your inconvenience" when you call

What you can do

TELL US your timing needs so that we can babysit your shipment (if you order from us) or refer you elsewhere (if we can't meet your need).

Once we know what you need, we will do our best. We'll let you know our limitations. And we'll be happy to either help you find the product locally or find another online source if for any reason we don't think we can meet your need.

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