Panos and I left early Friday for a long weekend on the Olympic Peninsula.
We stopped for a quick walk at the Elwha River, between Port Angeles and Lake Crescent. The Elwha Dam was removed more than 10 years ago. Here's a fascinating time lapse video of the removal process.
Our destination was La Push, west of Forks. The coast was characteristically misty when we arrived.
Our cabin overlooked First Beach. At the north end, there is a promontory and a little island that is one of the beach's most characteristic features.
Here is James Island three different times of day:
Barely visible in the mist...
...Normal view...
... and Saturday night's sunset, as seen from our porch! Almost looks like a wildfire, but it's all light and clouds.
This weekend was all about relaxing and doing absolutely nothing as much as possible. But we couldn't resist heading over to the Hoh Rain Forest, in spite of summer crowds on the roads.
One of the things I love so much about the rain forest is just the sense of prolific growth. Everything grows on everything, everything seems to nurture everything.
Like this little tree springing up on the moss-covered broken base of a dead tree:
Or all these trees growing on the edge of the root system of a fallen giant:
Or this classic "nurse log" with its very grown up babies:
And of course, mossy everything just a lot of fun to look at:
Back at the beach on Sunday morning, there were lots of pelicans enjoying themselves....
All in all, I came back very rested. Nothing like relaxed walks and drinking in the beauty of the Olympic Peninsula.
Thanks for sharing! I’m able to enrich my sights of the beauty of this fragile earth.
Thanks so much, Rebecca! You’ve motivated me to dig out my Olympic photos from decades ago! I’m so glad you had a happy and restorative weekend. I hope there will be more sooner than this time. 🙏💕🌈Mary
Neighbors had just returned from a week long camping trip there. First I had heard of it so your photos and description were timely! Do you have any photos of the cabin?
Hi There,
This was awesome.Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much for posting your wonderful photographs and your descriptions of the area. I really appreciate it seem and I promised me to plan a trip to the Olympic Peninsula. It looks like you had a marvelous time.