From left to right: Gary, Heather, Cindy (Dry Eye Foundation), David, Aidan, E, Valcorie, Joslynn and Lochlainn, Rebecca. Read more about us here.
If you couldn't get ahold of us last Thursday via phone or email it was because we were at the beach for our summer potluck! We shut down early, added a message to the phone system and the site, and gathered with staff and family members down the road at the neighborhood beach.
We got to say hi to Joslynn and her new baby Lochlainn for the first time since she went out on maternity leave. Sadly, Lana, who's now a full time mother, wasn't able to make it. We were also joined by Cindy from the Dry Eye Foundation and Jenifer from Trillium.
Valcorie's vegan stuffed mushrooms were a crowd favorite and we had enough food for everyone.
We enjoyed the weather and a view of the mountains from the beach and discussed our plans for a team retreat in August.
As far as I know, company BBQ's started back in Brent's time. He would fire up the grill in our little patch of grass at the old office on Highway 305 and we'd enjoy some time as a staff. Back in those days we shared a business park with the local Crossfit and I can remember one year where they were flipping over tires in the distance and running around the storage units right in front of us.
The highlight of the event was presenting David an award for five years of service at the Shop. Read more about his award here.