Ship File 10-7224
Names of customers and products have been changed to protect the innocent.
I was in the office when the postal carrier arrived. He had a package with him. It was a shipper return. When I had time from my other duties I sat down to investigate.
July 20, 2018 10:47am Jane Smith placed an online order for 20 units of product X and 2 units of product Y. It was an international order but there was nothing wrong with the address. So I didn’t have to fix it.
There wasn’t enough of product X in stock so we contacted the customer. 4 units of product X were refunded and the remainder of the order shipped via USPS International to Jill Smith in Brazil.
Tracking for the trip to Brazil was no longer available but there was no evidence of foul play.
November 29, 2018 at 10:33 am, the package arrived at the USPS Regional Facility in Miami Florida. It then travelled to Seattle where it arrived on December 5th at 6:22pm. December 8th, 10:43 am the package arrived in San Francisco from where it was shipped back to Seattle arriving on the 11th at 7:14pm.
On December 13th the package arrived back in San Francisco and then Seattle again on the 19th. On the morning December 20th the package arrived at our shop. It was never claimed by the customer and shipping authorities in Brazil didn’t want it.
Jane Smith was issued a full refund for the products returned.
No products were damaged and no arrests were made.
Shipment Closed
San Francisco Seattle