Why use a stand for inserting scleral lenses?
There are two key reasons why people turn to stands for scleral lens insertion:
1. Keep hand(s) free
If you do not have to hold the lens, both hands are available to hold your lids open. Since of the biggest challenges with lens insertion is maintaining the "lid spread", this gives you more options to keep a firm grip on the lids.
On the other hand, if you have only one hand available (broken wrist? amputee?) then a stand is absolutely essential for independent insertion.
2. Lens stability
Regardless of your insertion method, you have to be able to keep the lens steady as it approaches the eye, for two reasons:
- To ensure there is sufficient saline in the lens at the time it is placed on the eye
- To ensure it's correctly centered on the eye (and avoiding injury to the cornea)
By placing the lens on a stand, you're changing the equation:
Instead of putting a lens on your eye, you're putting your eye on the lens.
Whether your issue is hand tremors, or anxiety, or simply the complexity of manual insertion, stands can simplify the process.
Comparing stand options
The role of stands for people using scleral lenses has evolved over the years. We thought it would be helpful to give a little summary of the various options.
Lights are another option and are particularly useful for people who have difficulty getting a lens centered (due to poor vision, or one seeing eye). Some stands come with lights.
For more information on overcoming difficulties with scleral lens insertion, please visit Scleral Lens User Tutorial Part 5 - Lens insertion
Type | Cost | Light? | Other features |
Home-made stands People make all kinds of stands, using anything from a Dixie cup to PVC plumbing parts. |
Free or very cheap | Maybe. Some people rely on natural light coming through a hollow plunger (DMV Vented Scleral Cup) |
$9.95 | No, but the base and tube are translucent, so if you shine a light at them some light will shine through a DMV Vented Scleral Cup |
Collapsible (travel-friendly) |
$48.95 | Can be purchased separately |
Very stable User-friendly convex design |
$146.95 | Yes - separate device that is placed in the bottom of the plunger before putting it in the stand |
Very stable User-friendly convex design |
S5 Mini (Not sold here - available on Amazon) |
$299.00 | Yes - incorporated in device |
Tall Suctions to surface |
S5 Inserter (Not sold here - available on Amazon) |
$399.00 | Yes - incorporated in device |
Tall + adjustable height Suctions to surface |
I tried on many many occasions when i first got my sclerals to put them in WITHOUT A STAND!
I would spend nearly an hour so frustrated & my eyes & nose watering i gave up. My scleral lens Drs assistants told me about the stand & light & now i get them in & out so quickly! I’ll never give up my light & stand !